Practical Exercise

The purpose of this exercise is to experience hands-on how mptcp can utilize multiple links to provide aggregate capacity, as well as show a problem with mptcp where aggregation of asymmetric paths can severely degrade the performance versus using only a single link.

The experiment environment consists of the network emulator ’mininet’, running in a Linux virtual machine in VirtualBox. This provides a consistent and reproducible network setup to ensure that you will experience the expected effect of the settings.

VirtualBox to run the virtual machine is available (without cost) at
The virtual machine is available at (download both the large “vdi” file (virtual disk image) and the small “vbox” file (vm configuration file).
The experiment code is available at
(Running the code requires a Linux machine with a mptcp kernel and mininet installed, unless you use the virtual machine).

The instructions to perform the exercise is documented in the presentation slideset and the video below.


Video walkthrough