For participants of the credit bearing course

Karlstad University Library has a large number of databases covering various academic subject areas. As a participant of the credit bearing distance course you have access off campus to the databases and journals by logging in with your KauID – your student account. All articles listed as readings for the course that are not directly availabe as open access can be accessed through the library databases. Articles published by IEEE are for instance accessed through the IEEE Xplore KAU library access.

For participants of the open networked learning course

If you follow the open networked learning course, you do not have access to articles and literature through Karlstad University Library. For articles that are not availbale as open access you can buy a copy of the article directly from the publishers. It may also be the case that you have access to the article through your own employer/university. Many times there are also multiple complementary redings listed for a topic and you can choose to focus on the openly available material if you prefer.