Internet Stack Evolution is part of a larger course block Future Internet Design and Service Quality and is offered in two different versions, running at the same time. It is offered as an “official” credit bearing online course and as an open networked learning course.

Future Internet Design two courses in one

The credit bearing course
This course is part of Karlstad University’s regular course catalogue. Participants need to apply through University Admissions ( for the Swedish version) and have to fulfill certain requirements, such as previous knowledge of computer networking. There are limited places available in the course and upon successful completion, participants will receive 6 credits. More information can be found on the official course homepage on

The open networked learning version
In this version, no prerequisites or requirements have to be met. The course is open to everyone and you can even join the course after it has started. Participants have access to all the learning resources and activities of the course, but will not be examined by teaching staff of Karlstad University and will therefore not receive any credits.