We will use Canvas for Quizzes and Discussion Posts. Quizzes and Discussion Posts will not be graded but serve as a checkpoint. For credit-bearing course participants, taking the quizzes is required for participating in the assignments. Please log in with your Canvas account. For all others, please post your thoughts on Slack channel for the given module.

Module 1: Introduction to Data plane programming (DVAD41)

Quizzes and Discussion Posts (not graded)

Assignment for Module 1 (graded)

    • Module 1 Assignment on Canvas: This is mandatory for students taking the credit bearing course DVAD41. It is also mandatory for students who take course DVAD40 (link to assignment). Please log in with your canvas account. The assignment will be available from June 6th 2022 and is due at August 28th 2022.
    • In order to obtain the points, you need to hand in the assignment. In addition, you have to pass a short oral examination. For schedule the examination, send email.

Module 2: Datacenter networking and loadbalancing (DVAD42)

Quizzes and Discussion Posts (not graded)

  • Quiz on Datacenter networking. The Quiz is available Here (required for certificate).
  • Quiz on DC.p4. The Quiz is available Here (required for certificate).
  • Quiz on Conga and ECMP. Find the Quizz for Week 3 and 4 on Canvas (required for certificate), related to Webinar 2 of Module 2.
  • Discussion Question on P4 based loadbalancing. It is available on Canvas here (required for certificate).

Assignment for Module 2 (graded)

  • Module 2 Assignment on Canvas: This is mandatory for students taking the credit bearing course DVAD42. It is also mandatory for students who take course DVAD40 (link to assignment). Please log in with your canvas account. The assignment will be available from June 6th 2022 and is due at August 28th 2022.
  • In order to obtain the points, you need to hand in the assignment. In addition, you have to pass a short oral examination. For schedule the examination, send email.

Module 3: In-network monitoring, caching and control (DVAD43)

Quizzes and Discussion Posts (not graded)

Assignment for Module 3 (graded)

  • Module 3 Assignment on Canvas: This is mandatory for students taking the credit bearing course DVAD43 (send email). It is also mandatory for students who take course DVAD40 (link to assignment). Please log in with your canvas account. The assignment will be available from June 6th 2022 and is due at August 28th 2022.
  • In order to obtain the points, you need to hand in the assignment. In addition, you have to pass a short oral examination. For schedule the examination, send email.

Practical Exercises

We have provided information for obtaining the required software and getting you started on our Gitlab https://git.cse.kau.se/courses/dvad40/vt19.

Course Certificate

For all participants that do NOT read the credit-bearing course, we can issue course-certificates. In order to claim a course certificate, you need to do all the Quizzes. As those are in Canvas only for credit bearing course participants, please provide a screenshot as proof that you took the quizz. See above which quizz you have to take for obtaining a course certificate.