Learning Outcomes for Module 3 – In Network Monitoring, Caching and Control (DVAD43)

April 25 – June 5, 2022

During the last six weeks, the focus will be on applying data plane programming and P4 to advanced network monitoring, network caching and network based control. You will both read about theoretical aspects of network monitoring P4 and practically learn how to implement them in P4. This will help you to generate new ideas in how to apply P4 to create advanced network monitoring solutions using programmable data planes.

Week 1: 25/4-01/05/2022

Participate in the Webinar

Time: Monday, April 25th at 17.00-18.30 CET (check your time zone).

  • The course will start with an introduction webinar where we will introduce P4 for In-Band Network Telemetry monitoring. In order to participate, simply click the following link and enter your name. You might be required to install the program
  • Zoom: https://kau-se.zoom.us/j/66276262445
  • Learn more how to participate in the webinar.
  • View the Slides presented at the Webinar.
  • View the Webinar Recording for the Course Introduction. Error in recording, please see slides.

Read the articles

The following scientific article will be discussed in this week:

  1. V. Jeyakumar: Millions of Little Minions: Using Packets for Low Latency network programming and visibility
  2. M. Hira and L.J.Wobker: Improving Network Monitoring and Management with Programmable Data Planes
  3. In-band Network Telemetry via Programmable Dataplanes

Click here to get information about how to find and acquire the articles.
Additional reading (for interested) can be found in the following quite extensive and actively updated reading list maintained by Roberto Bifulco, Stefan Schmid and Gábor Rétvári

Standard documents

Link to the In-band Network telemetry (INT) specification.

  • v2.1 [PDF] (May 2020)
  • working draft: [MDK]

There are multiple elements involved in the INT:

  • INT sources: Add telemetry instruction headers
  • INT intermediates: receive packets with INT instructions headers, act accordingly and add telemetry headers that contain telemetry data according to the telemetry instruction headers
  • INT sink: remove telemetry headers and send INT reports to INT collector nodes
  • INT collector nodes: receive and parse INT reports for further analysis, machine learning, visualization

This directory contains all of those standards.

Watch the video

Inband Network Telemetry P4 demo