
Register for Data Plane Programming

Data Plane Programming is a free open online course with the aim to prepare participants with skills that enable them to program emerging data planes using programming language such as P4.

The course is tailored for students at advanced level with basic computer networking background and internetworking as well as professionals working in different fields of computer networking and Cloud. It builds on research conducted at Computer Science at Karlstad University. The design of the course is flexible and centers around you and your situation and enables you to study at your own pace and time. It is open to everyone and free of charge.

Open learners will have access to all the learning resources and activities of the course, but will not be examined by teaching staff of Karlstad University and will therefore not receive any ECTS. For the credit version of the course, read more here. If you are an officially registered student, register here as well.

  • Strength indicator
  • Please enter a number from 10 to 100.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 50.
  • No ExperienceLittle ExperienceExperiencedVery Experienced
    Open Online Courses
    Computer Networking
    Software Defined Networking
    Networking Architecture
  • Disclaimer
    Under the Swedish Data Protection Regulation, we are not allowed to register your details without your consent. By clicking on "Submit" in our online form, you authorize Karlstad University to store your data. The university is obliged, at your request, to correct, block and delete your data. Here you can read more about how Karlstad University handles personal data.