It no doubt that money can solve 98.99% of the problem we faced today. For instance, in order to curb load shedding, the country need 5 more power stations in order to supply enough energy and so on. However, the challenges that faced our people in our communities like teenage pregnancies, the drug use, the … Continue reading SOME OF OUR PROBLEMS NEED NO CAPITAL BUT STRONG LEADERSHIP

Lifelong learning brown bag webinar @VW

Today, I gave a short webinar for electrical engineers of Volkswagen AG in Germany on the topic of lifelong learning with the help of personal learning networks (PLNs). Here are my slides and below the links to the online resources. Lifelong learning – Wikipedia Personal learning network – Wikipedia The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching […]

It’s not magic, it’s business

Watching AI generate text for the first time can seem like magic. However, when it comes down to it, it’s not magic, it’s business – and a hugely profitable one at that. Since the weekend, there have been numerous articles published r…

OEglobal23 presentations

In October, I had the opportunity to participate in the Oeglobal23 conference in Edmonton, Canada. More on this shortly, but here my presentations in the meantime. Have Open Educational Resources finally arrived in Swedish Higher Education? Have Open Educational Resources finally arrived in Swedish Higher Education? from Jörg Pareigis ONL – A global cross institutional […]

Tweets, Threads and a domain of one’s own

As someone who has spent a lot of time reading, researching and reflecting about social media, I felt it was incumbent upon me to join the conversation about the current state of social media even though, like so many, I feel that it is quite frankly a…

Goal statement 2023

In 2023 eduToolkit will focus on micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. In this credential ecology, micro-credentials are different from other types of credentials since they are unbundled, credit-bearing, and stackable. A micro-credential is a proof of the learning outcomes that a learner has acquired following a short learning experience. These learning outcomes have been… Read more »

Never stop learning!

Featured image at the top of this post created by Midjourney, prompt by Kay Oddone It is true that as an educator, you never top learning – in both the informal and formal sense. This year I have begun completing the Graduate Certificate in Teach…

Updated! #StudentsNeedSchoolLibraries

 The research is undeniable. EVERY school needs a well resourced school library AND a qualified teacher-librarian! Go to more info. This post was originally shared in April 2017, highlighting the research …

Goal statement 2022

In 2022 eduToolkit will focus on students meta-cognitive strategies to develop capacity for higher level executive function skills. Embed prompts to “stop and think” before acting as well as adequate space Embed prompts to “show and explain your work” (e.g., portfolio review, art critiques) Provide checklists and project planning templates for understanding the problem, setting… Read more »