Designing an online course-or any course for that matter- that keeps up enthusiasm

Is this not what all teachers struggle with? I know I struggle with this every time I teach. You have a very short time to make a first impression. I guess that is where it all starts. If you cannot capture the attention and enthusiasm of the students from the very beginning- how can you … Fortsätt läsa Designing an online course-or any course for that matter- that keeps up enthusiasm


The end of November is fast approaching and Topic 4 is now done and dusted.  Was a little apprehensive about being the leader but my co-leader Norma and I pulled it off.  Very pleased that my other colleagues in the group were happy with the final presentation. So, what was unbelievable about our presentation!  I… Continue reading Unbelievable!!!

Topic 5 – Reflection

What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? Why? Bringing PBL to life. During my daily work and studies, this approach gets a lot of airtime as a leading pedagogical approach, and therefore it is highly beneficial for me to be ‘on the other side.’ Online […]

Improving practice

Online and blended learning can obviously take many different forms, and my own experience is rather rudimentary. It totals two courses, one pure online course and the other a blended course combining online with offline teaching. The online aspects o…

Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning – connecting the team

Although it may sound simple, transferring a traditional classroom-based course into an online environment requires some adaptation. In this topic we have talked a lot about the reasons why students drop out from online courses. Lee and Choi (2011) listed factors they found influencing student retention at online courses, and grouped them in student-related factors, … Continue reading Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning – connecting the team

Reflections on Topic 4 – Universal design

Let’s create something beautiful in education and not just the illusion of inclusion and engagement. Taking part in an online course still feels somewhat special to me. I never viewed online learning as a means for almost every circumstance, but only for some selected topics. Now I come to the conclusion, that a proper desinged …

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