Now that the ‘paper work’ has been done, what about making it happen? To my mind the most pressing challenge for most leaning models is making it happen, turning the theory into reality. My area of responsibility regarding Topic # 4 has been looking at and making sense of “The 7Cs of Learning Design”. I … Continue reading Call to action… →
Design for online and blended learning
A few weeks back, when I was asked to be a part of a teaching team which is responsible for designing and launching an online course, I was caught off guard. Even though the idea seemed interesting, I was not prepared for the task and doubted if I woul…
Look closer to see the whole
My journey on ONL181 course has turned towards it’s end. It has been a great adventure. In the beginning I felt so unsure, like a was joining someone elses hike I hadn’t planned at all. I had no idea what to expect, the terrain was unknown and I didn’t…
ICEBERGs and Elephants
Already on Topic 4 out of 5 in this course and I´m starting to have separation anxiety! How can we continue this journey together???Ever since I was a university student myself I have liked acronyms in learning, as it really helps me remember things.Therefore, I found the ICEBERG seven design principles of designing for student … Continue reading ICEBERGs and Elephants →
Stop and think
We are living and working in hectic times. We all have a lot to do, a lot to say, and a lot to think. Do we ever have time to think about how to best design an online course? I have often found that teachers, administrators and coordinators do not have enough time, or do … Continue reading Stop and think →
ONL design with individual grades
Throughout ONL181, it has struck me how the course design is in perfect sync with its content. When we discussed digital anxieties, for example, we came to the conclusion that the way to handle the problem is to do exactly what ONL181 does. Now, at an advanced stage of the course, we realize that the … Continue reading “ONL design with individual grades”
Reflections on Topic 3 – social media and critical care
Topic 3 of 5 of the ongoing and inspiring Open Networked Learning Course. …revolving around learning communities and networks. This topic hit close to home. My “past” as a student and lifelong learner in anesthesia and critical care was centered around the use of twitter, reading blogs and listening to various podcasts. What I was …
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Learn collaboratively
After many discussions about learning in communities and networked collaborative learning I have tried to relate to my own experiences. I have spent many years in school, but most of the time by learning without any online resources. (During my first years in school the multimedia use was only series of reversal film slides together … Continue reading Learn collaboratively →
Topic 3, Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
CC by Alexandra Wirth How and where does collaboration take place in the PBL ? Does it matter whether it takes place online or in class? I have been involved with problem-based learning PBL for more than 20 years. On the one hand as a didactic concept, on the other hand as a method. I … Weiterlesen Topic 3, Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning →
The secret to blended learning…
Through my experiences, I’ve come to learn that the best way to understand our students and their challenges, is by putting ourselves into their shoes. The ONL181 course has been a brilliant platform in enabling us to do this. We’ve been given the opportunity to educate ourselves so that we can better educate our students. … Continue reading The secret to blended learning…
Topic 2, Open learning, sharing & openness
Coming Soon!
ICEBERG Model Evaluation Tool (Self-Created)
Collaborative learning: Politeness vs. complexity?
Photo by rawpixel So I seem to be living out a pattern in this course. Each topic brings new forms of skepticism and new discoveries related to collaborative learning and OOE (online open education). First, I find it super interesting but a little weird to be studying the very process in which we are engaged, … Continue reading Collaborative learning: Politeness vs. complexity? →
More on group work
While working on Topic 3, I’ve continued reflecting on what supports successful group work by examining my own group, PBL13.
One key factor is definitely size, and as it
Weeks 7 & 8 – ONL181 – true collaboration…
Weeks starting 29 October & 5 November 2018 This was the beginning of topic 3 – learning in communities and collaborative learning. This was the topic that excited me from the beginning as learning in communities is something that I believe has huge value and always try to encourage my students to practice. However, I … Continue reading Weeks 7 & 8 – ONL181 – true collaboration… →