Responding to our changing information ecosystem

I tackled this huge topic in a one hour webinar that I presented on behalf of the ALIA Schools group, and can forrsee a number of blog posts on these topics happening in the coming months. For those who were able to attend the webinar (and for those wh…

Goal statement 2021

In 2021 eduToolkit will focus on decision-making in ambiguous situations and analyse how competence is transferred when participants increase their level of disciplinary discernment. Urban Eriksson defines disciplinary discernment as “noticing something, reflecting on it, and constructing new meaning from a disciplinary perspective” and the learning process involve “what to focus on in a given… Read more »

Leadership in practice

Thank you for joining me for the third and final installment of the Teacher Librarian as Leader blog post series. If you have missed the first two posts, consider jumping back to the start to read all three in order. The first post discusses the role o…

Finding your tribe: Think-alikes or think-abouts?

As Brisbane enters its second day of a three day lock down, I have been thinking about how much more we have come to rely upon our online tribe since this time last year. Although here in Queensland we have been fortunate to (so far, touch wood) avoid …

The value of narrative in online learning

We were always moving  towards providing more formal learning experiences via online media, but the lockdowns of 2020 gave online learning an almighty push. While blended learning opportunities, where students has the option of attending on-campus lect…

ECGBL20 conference

After a year of maternity leave I am back on this blog (but don’t expect any consistency in publishing frequency) and I’ll start with a summary about the ECGBL20 conference.