I was recently faced with a situation at work where we noticed that our project stagnated. It was everyone’s task but no one’s responsibility.

What have you accomplished during the course?

I participated in the ONL162 in 2016 as an Open Learner with no PBL-group, which gave me possibility to interact with the course material and reflect on posts from peers. In this iteration of ONL172 the work with peers opened up for hands-on investigation and a shared experience. I was challenged to contribute and take leadership, which also accelerated the learning.

Reflect on your development as a group and the value of the PBL group for your learning?

One key function was for me that we were asked to facilitate during one of our five topics. This changed my participation to an active learner and also created a natural respect to the peer organizing meeting times and structures for how we would share our results

How would you apply what you have learnt in your institutions and life in general?

I have used my participation in ONL172 as metareflection on networked learning. During the first week wanted to explore “Learning in a Networked World”, “Digital Fluency” and “Collaborative Inquiry”. In the Wiktionary metareflection is defined as “the consideration of various different points of view”, which is how I foresee Online Networked Learning. I’m building my own MOOC and writing my master thesis with focus on “Teachers Open Online Learning – for Professional Development”

Salience and Collective Intelligence (#ONL172)

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