Thanks for joining me! This is my story, this is my journey, and this is me…, a woman with ADHD trying to learn to slow down in order to reflect on what I will be learning during this ONL181 course… and hoping to improve my digital pedagogical skills and make new acquaintances at the same time.

I’m quite the oxymoron… a quick thinking, fast-speaking introvert who loves having deep conversations with a handful of people and hates small talk in crowds. I can easily speak in front of a 100 people but get tongue-tied in a group of six. I can spend hours researching on subjects that interest me but have a short span of attention and very poor memory if I don’t feel ‘flow’… I need to be extremely structured in my work manner because I am chaotic in my creative process. I am an expert at starting projects and an expert at getting nothing done. I need my space, my peace, yet desperately want to be part of the gang. I want to be invited to the party but will most likely have a dozen excuses not to come…

I’m here now for some time to come and I’m glad you’ve come along for the ride…

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


The Journey Begins

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