Week of 24 September 2018
This has been a busy week of learning – stimulating and enlightening in so many ways!
I attended a conference that focused on what’s coming and in fact, is here, in many cases already – artificial intelligence, cryto-currencies, blockchains… – mind-boggling but so interesting. I then attended a talk on diversity, inclusion and transformation – very, very enlightening and enriching.
I then had my first PBL group meeting using Zoom – which I did not even know existed:). I pleasantly realised how easy it is to use. I am not generally comfortable and familiar with online chats but it was very easy and not intimidating – learning so much and becoming comfortable already and it’s only week 2 on ONL:).
I was guided by Lotta (the facilitator) through an introduction of what’s to come. I have realised that I need to read and become familiar with the ONL page before next week when we have Topic 1.
The process of everything is still quite overwhelming but I think that it will be less so as the weeks progress. I have chatted to colleagues that have completed ONL over the past few years have they have confirmed that it will become easier as the weeks progress. So, for now, I read more and look forward to Topic 1…