On-boarding and lift-off
Ever present in the recess of my mind is the pull of being aware that the beginning of my life is not going to determine the end of it. Juxtaposed to this, is the notion of no matter what I didn’t do yesterday, what passed me by without me grasping it, it is history. I have the power to change my life. Instantly, at any time, I can take my life in a whole new direction. The choice is mine, and mine alone.
I know a limited life is to confine myself, take the easy path, a life filled with no adventure or exploration into the unknown. My decision has been to believe in myself and act. This attitude has brought me into the education industry, a journey started some time back when I consciously decided to demand more from myself. The attainment of the right knowledge and action continues to build on this.
Hooking up on the ONL program is a small step in one sense but a giant leap in another. Bob Dylan once said, “the dilemma we face is between forward-thinking enlightenment and backward-thinking prejudice”. For me personally the ONL journey is forward-thinking enlightenment.
1st base – connecting
This was easy. Got a few messages, the fundi’s arranged to hook up virtually and then I was invited to share a few facts about myself with my new-found friends. Challenge is (using a virtual platform), to use virtual conversation to make friends not just acquaintances. David White in his video series makes it clear that we behave differently when we use technology, depending on our motivation and context. This must be done without categorising anyone (according to age, background etc.).
This is the image (the image accompanying this reflection) I used which shadowed the information about myself. I chose to use it as the Nguni is recognized as South Africa’s indigenous cattle, long the mainstay of traditional Zulu culture, and are possibly the most beautiful cattle in the world, with their variously patterned and multicoloured hides. Nguni’s can often be found wading in the tepid waters of the Indian ocean here in KwaZulu-Natal. The painting was done by South African artist Ben Jonker, who is a friend of mine.
For me, the ONL course begins with me wading in the shallows.