It’s time for me to do some reflections on our first weeks in this fascinating course. When I first started the course I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I am slowly beginning to understand.

First of all it has been really exciting to be a part of my PBL group, which is group number 5. It was so cool when we first started to get connected in our zoom room and to realize that we are localized all around the world. I really enjoy being a part of this group and I think that we do a fantastic work together.

In this first topic we have discussed and worked with our online participation and how to become confident with ourselves while being out there and to be aware of what digital literacy is. I will use some of the seven elements from the model presented by the JISC guide to reflect on my own digital literacies so far.


CC BY-NC-SA Seven element of digital literacies (Developing digital literacies JISC)

I will start by reflecting on the ”Career & identity management” part. So far in my life have not been reflecting so much about my identity on the Internet. But the last weeks I have looked at my ongoing business on the Internet and I have realized that I do distinguish between using social media in a personal or institutional way and in visitor or resident mode (White, D. & Le Cornu, A. (2011)). Most of my ongoing activity in social media apps are both personal and institutional, as with for example YouTube which I use both in my personal life but also at work. So far I have never posted anything by myself and I don’t comment or like anything so I would say that I use this in a visitor mode. If I look at Facebook on the other hand I only use this as informal and personal Susanne. I do have some colleagues as friends in Facebook, but I then see them as my personal friends so they can all view my posts from my holidays, weekends and other spare time. Then we have the e-mail. I have different e-mail addresses and apps for work and private use so emailing is very much both a personal and an institutional activity/app and it is used both in visitor and resident mode. In the picture below you can see how I have plotted out my use of apps. The colors around each box is only used to highlight the different boxes better. The colors doesn’t have any particular meaning.


My Digital involvement divided into Personal, Institutional, Visitor and Resident mode

As for the ”Information literacy” I use the Internet almost everyday to search for information about things both at work and at home. When going on a trip I book my travel on the Internet, I stream music, movies and series, I listen to books online and I search for code-examples when I get stuck at work which also is part of the ”Learning skills” element. I use the Internet and various apps to learn more all of the time. If I wake up in the middle of then night I have my phone right next to my bed and I then google my question and when I have the answer I can go back too sleep… My ”ICT literacy” is kind of broad. I use all kinds of digital devices such as computer, smart phone, iPad and I am not afraid of trying out new devices or applications/services.


Ariane Ollier-Malaterre and Nancy P. Rothbard are discussing ”How to separate the personal and professional on social media” (Article: How to Separate the Personal and Professional on Social Media 2015). Adding this to my former reflection gives me that I so far have had a rather Open strategy when posting information and photos on social media. Depending on how I will expand and/or change my identity in social media, I think I perhaps will use a more Content or Custom driven strategy. Perhaps I will separate my friends into various groups so that I can be a little bit more careful with my posts. Posts that show me and my family can then be shown only for the ones really close to me and other posts can be more public such as noticing my audience that I have posted something new in my blog or that I have posted a new video on YouTube.


Online participation & digital literacies

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