Once upon a time, in “computer time” a million years ago, I worked quite fluently with computers. I was trained inhouse in a large, American computer company to deal with any problems occurring with hardware, software or other stuff – but that was a long time ago – almost prehistoric time


I still navigate quite nicely around different surroundings and I am not afraid of computers or the digital world. I am still working as tech support for some of the more insecure family members (mother, daughter, aunt)

But to the topic at hand.

During meetings, discussions and reading I have been able to put some words on what I have been feeling about the digital world. I especially liked the definition on digital literacy from Jisc (https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/developing-digital-literacies) that digital literacy looks beyond functional IT skills to describe a richer set of digital behaviours, practices and identities. There are different capabilities represented in the model wich is provided for higher education in the UK.

Skärmavbild 2018-10-14 kl. 21.57.44

I showed this picture in class to get some voices from my students about the topic and asked them how they see themselves as digital citizens. To my delight they do not act or think very differently from any of us (at least in our PBL group). They use the same plattforms we do, they have the same doubts about things they read online as we do, they are as insecure as we are about sharing things online i.e. This sort of confirmed my doubt on the discussion about digital natives. In Kennedy’s (2008) study it is claimed the digital natives have been surrounded by computers and different digital tools all their lives, and are therefore very comfortable with the tools used in universities and other higher education facilities. This study concludes that the millennials, as the Digi natives also are called, need educators that are able to use the tools and engage them in good learning experiences. But I would say it is the same to all of us.

One of my objectives joining ONL181 was to get the tools and the mindset to capture my students not only in the classroom but also online, using different digital tools. And still keeping some sort of integrity for all of us.

To conclude and reflect on Topic 1 – I now think I have a better understanding about what I know and what my students can expect from me in the digital world. And I definitely need to learn how to make this blog better and more user friendly.

PS the picture with the colorful flowers is a sample of what you can do when you really know your stuff – coding and art together. We have this awesome exhibition in a new art gallery we have in town, Amos Rex and it is made by a collective from Tokyo called TeamLab.



KENNEDY, Gregor E. et al. First year students’ experiences with technology: Are they really digital natives?.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, [S.l.], v. 24, n. 1, jan. 2008. ISSN 1449-5554. Available at: <https://ajet.org.au/index.php/AJET/article/view/1233/458>. Date accessed: 15 oct. 2018.




My reflection on Topic 1 – the journey begins or continues?

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