I must say I have enjoyed this topic to the fullest. It is so seldom you have time to really sit down and try to learn new things that are challenging. So far in this course I have
- opened a blog and webpage
- Gotten a myriad of accounts in different strange sites such as coogle, thinglink, padlet, canvas just to name a few.
- I have started to upload my slidebank to slideshare (which I did not know existed hardly).
- Tried to teach my kids and husband all about this new exiting stuff (they are moderately interested but pay attention).
- Ruined many days of a congress and now the first day of my vacation swearing at bad internet access- which actually is kind of a bad thing when you are taking a course in ONLINE networked learning.
Well, there is probably more to it but this was off the top of my head. I must say I am enthusiastic about our new scenario and INFINITELY grateful that I will not be responsible person for this one. Desperately need vacation!!!! And this is where I am at. Now I am actually going to engage thoroughly in learning to surf!
Slowly getting the hang of the course