Seth Godin in a recent blog posting shared his thoughts titled “The magnetic generosity of the network effect” in which he aptly describes the concept of networking. He says that if you share a pizza with a large crowd, no one will be very satisfied. But if you share an idea with a group, it creates cultural impact and becomes more valuable as it spreads, not less.
He goes on, that most of the time we adopt the scarcity model of pizza. “I don’t have that much, and if I share it with you, I won’t have any left…” But he laments, the useful parts of our life are better characterized as, “If I share it with you, we’ll both have it.” I agree. An idea shared is more powerful than one that’s hidden. A technology standard outperforms a proprietary one. A community is stronger than divided individuals ever could be. When you give away your work by building the network, you’re not giving it away at all. You’re building trust, authority and a positive cycle of better.
Topic# 3 asked, that if the introduction of collaborative elements was made to a learning group environment, how would one get the group members to take up the cudgels, by understanding the value on offer and then to conspire to leverage the different competencies and talents the group owns collectively? Resulting in the sum of the parts…power to the people!
After playing the ‘wide game’, and wading through the suffocating folds of theory, trying to understand what the collaboration learning space comprises (Cooperative. Collaborative, Problem-based, Team-based etc.) I arrived back at the start of my thinking, which is the ingredient to just about all ‘business’ success, the trifecta of; mindset, skillset, and toolset. Taking this thinking further, this means that if there is weak or no leadership no amount of tactile skills and physical tools will get us where we need to be.
Mindset is the most difficult piece of this trifecta to work with. Mindset is the most exacting to switch up. Do you meet a challenge holistically and incrementally? Are you willing to try new things? Do you work well in a team? It has a lot to do with persistence and adaptability, GRIT if you like. The right attitude (mindset) is a tool that refreshes itself – it’s much more constant and pervasive. More questions than answers for me, I’m afraid; how to change behaviour, how to increase agility etc. of the group so they are always future ready?
The world is changing rapidly, and the pundits are clear in what education/learning is needing to take onboard; innovation rather than replication, thinking rather than memorising, and the critical review of information rather than just accepting it. What’s more they say this approach should help them to understand themselves deeply and help each to perfect their ability to learn constantly, in groups, through activities.
This video clip sums it up for me. Unless the mindset is right, personal agendas left at the door and pizzas are shared, skillsets and toolsets will be stillborn.
We need to go inside ourselves first up so we are able to be part of a successful team.