It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. And also, the beginning of another angle of my life-long learning.

So, our ONL181 course have now come to an end. It is with both sentimentality and also some relief I write this blog post.

It´s always nice to have accomplished something. And I am proud to have accomplished taking part in this course.

I want to send my warmest gratitude to my PBL3 group. Without your support, and joy in meeting you all, I would for sure not have been able to finish the course. And even if, I would not have learnt even a fraction of what I know today. About digital tools in teaching, about the beauty of working online with wonderful people around the world, about the joy in collaboration, and so many additional things. You have made me reflect a lot on my own role in teaching – being a teacher vs being a coach, and to open my mind about going open. Even if I am still a bit reluctant about the latter, albeit much less now than before starting the course. 

I am, as far as I know, one of quite few at my department engaging in digital learning. Thus, I certainly hope to engage my colleagues in this exciting field of learning as well. During the fall, I happened to meet two colleagues within completely different fields of teaching from me, who were very interested in “going more digital”. We therefore plan to meet after Christmas, and hopefully have regular meetings to encourage and help each other in our respective programs at our university. 

In our program, we are using PBL a lot, and therefore working in a PBL group was not new for me. But it was very useful to be “on the other side”, i.e. being the learner, and experiencing the frustration I have seen in my students. I think I can meet them at another level now, in better knowing what they are going through in their learning journey.

I have to say I am a “reading” person. Therefore, I have been struggling with my urge to read everything, including the references in the literature suggested to us, and when searching the internet myself. Something I look forward to have time for, is to read the blogs of the persons I have not had time to read during the course. I know how much I have learnt from the blogs I have read, so please excuse me everybody who´s blogs I have not yet commented on. I will read them with great pleasure! I will also look much more into all the nice presentations presented on the five topics by all the other PBL groups. What an excellent toolbox for digital tools future use!

In that sense, this is certainly not the beginning of the end. For me it is definitely nothing but the end of a beginning of an exciting and I am convinced, highly rewarding journey into the global digital world.

No, this is not the end.

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