Over the duration of the ONL course, it has been brilliant! I have been taught new skills, techniques and ways of working in the Online tutoring space, that I am looking forward to putting them to work, next year, 2019! I have found this process, very good indeed.
At the outset, the unknown was the driver to succeed. Upon each topic dynamic, it was really good to explore, dissect and resolve the topic goals.The ONL, course has taught me valuable skills, applications and new process’s to achieve the desired results. My new found skills will be put to good use and I am really looking forward to it! The PBL group I was part of, has been really good and it has been wonderful to be part of!

Image result for leaning new onl skillsImage result for leaning new onl skills

Looking back at each topic and the way we went about it as a group, has been a great learning journey, as well as the discovery of new alliterations and my new skills in the online space, is just a blessing indeed! Our facilitators, took us on a learning journey that was very good indeed and looking back, it was a key driver, in the disposition in having the space to dissect, ask key questions and really delve into the topic at hand. Some topics where really good, whilst others where a challenge to get your head around them and look for ways to make it work in the online tutoring space. I also feel being exposed to new applications we used has been great as well. Prezi and Canva to name a few and there are others too.

I also found the group discussion very good indeed!  We had a group of varying backgrounds and skill levels which made our deliberations, exciting , challenging and rewarding in sense that, upon reflecting the days meeting, I could get a clearer picture of what we were doing and could see me putting it to work on our online tutoring space. I also felt that as we were going along, each topic challenged you and made you think as to what the goal was as more. Notably in topic four, where it was very challenging but, when looking at the outcomes, as been rewarding to go through it and come out the other side, so to speak!

I have also really enjoyed being exposed to other learning institutions around the globe to hear their thoughts and views on various topics. I t also gave me greater clarity and insights on using new skills and affirm to as what we are doing is, on the correct path to achieving the relevant results for the institution and the students.  At the institution where I lecture, it has been wonderful to watch and see the growth in online tutoring and to see the new skills being used in the online tutoring space.  I’m very grateful to the ONL program for allowing myself to be part of this journey and all the new skills I have acquired, has been tremendous!



Topic Five: Lessons learnt

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