This is it. It has taken me a while to put the learning experiences together and reflect upon how my journey in this course has been. As I look back at my first blog post, I realise that a small step has been taken. I manage to write a few blog posts! As some of the fellow ONL course participants, I also believe this could be the last blog entry for a while.

The picture above shows a swirl, or whirl, which made me think of the expression “I was caught up in a whirl of work”, where the word whirl describes a moment of confused movement. This is the reason for my choice of image for this post. It is how I could describe my journey in this course: a whirl.

If we think of learning as doing things differently next time we do the same thing, I have learned a number of things, mainly from other course participants. It has been a turbulent few months spent trying to keep all the ‘plates whirling around’ without falling. I feel I need time to let a number of ideas sink in in order for them to make sense.

Among the different topics covered in the ONL course, I particularly enjoyed topics 2 and 4. They have given me tools to work with from now on. I am generally a person who welcomes new and exciting technology and not afraid to try things out. I will do my best to look back at what my PBL group created as a good starting point.

It was the first time for me to work in a a course designed as PBL. The outcome of our work, however, have not been according to what I had read about PBL work. It worked out in a pragmatic way. When we are all busy, we have to find ways to focus on solutions. I owe a big thank you to the hard-working people in PBL6. It was fun to ‘meet’ and talk!

As 2018 comes to an end and the Holidays are just around the corner, we also start looking back at how the year has gone, the highlights. Believe it or not, I will mention this experience. It has been a valuable journey. The hardest part has not even started yet, which means I will need a lot of inspiration for the implementation part of open networked learning.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Topic 5 – Lessons learnt & future practice

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