The first topic of the ONL course was Online participation and digital literacies. It showed me a a framework to understand individuals’ engagement with the Web based on motivation and context (White 2011). Never thought of anything like this, but it made me reflect on my engagement with The Web. Honestly I have to admit that I am kind of addicted to Facebook and LinkedIn in a curious and peeky way of looking at people. Where did my colleagues go? What happened to old friends? Who’s seeing who? etc. So the content and the engagement is for a great part very personal. For the other part Google is a good friend; a continuously available source of information. Whatever, whenever.
Looking more seriously into possibilities of the Internet and ways of using it, changes the perspective. This ONL course is practicing while doing the job. Zoom, Sway, Canva, Google+, writing a Blog etc. increases my digital skills and enlarges my engagement.
At the Hogeschool Rotterdam, my workplace, the digital and online learning possibilities are not at a competitive international level. In my team KAHOOT! and Knowledge-clips are often used, but that’s about it. No Moocs, no online courses, webinars and chatrooms with students.
Because of my increasing interest I suddenly and coincidently (or not??) meet the most educated, enthusiastic and motivated lectures at the Hogeschool who are experimenting with really cool new digital didactic methods, like virtual reality. In fact the Hogeschool started a HUB “Technology of educational theory”. This hub is a laboratorium for development and implementation of new ways of education in which ICT applications offer much added value for the quality of education. So it is happening, the digital revolution, but on a small scale. I’ll stay in contact!
Did the coloring begin? What do you think?
White, D. & Le Cornu, A. (2011) Visitors and residents: A new typology for online engagement.