Despite the many challenges majority of us face with ever-evolving technology and platforms available to us, playing a role in the digital world is more of a reality than most of realize.
Prior to learning about the resident-visitor theory, I was completely unaware that engaging in social media and the likes, had more to it than just keeping up with the world. I had no idea that posting something or forwarding a message categorized you as being just a by-passer or a resident.
It’s been extremely fascinating to discover where I stand as an individual in this vast world of digitization. I’ve come to learn that it isn’t so much about the change in technology itself, rather, it’s a change in the mindset of individuals that drives them toward being able to adapt, learn and keep up.
By adopting new view points, new understandings, new processes, new teaching methods, we can change the way we work, teach and even learn ourselves.
We need to transform ourselves through skills development, which is likely to be an ongoing, lifelong process. Because one thing is for sure, you’re ultimately left with two choices. You remain ignorant which leads to you being unable to participate and engage effectively, in other words, a state of stagnancy, which I personally feel will be a high price to pay in the long run. Or you embrace the change that is inevitable, and become the best version of yourself as a giver of information.