My reflections after the first two weeks and the topic “Online participation & digital literacies”

I hope I under this course can widening my comfort zone and try things I never done before. I want to have more tools in my toolbox. It feels good to evaluate tools in the “safe” PBL group environment. It is a special feeling to be in the student role and know the chaos that you experience before grasping what task to do and how to tackle it. Then we need to find good forms of cooperation in the group and help us achieve the goal together, so we have something to present before next topic is published. I think it´s useful to get experience and practice with different tools both for collaboration and presentation, so we now the opportunities and choices the students have to do.

I think that the leaders of topic 1 have done a good job to get us on the right way together with the facilitators. We had many interesting discussions in the group.

My personal experiences of social media is Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Snapchat. I only used Snapchat for a short period, mostly to have contact with my daughter who lives 250 km away. Nowadays we mostly use the other three named before. I think it´s easier to share an expressive picture than words.

It´s also exciting to see what you can do with a digital tool, which can be used both with a computer and with other devices with smaller screens. It´s often a better graphic user interface on a mobile or a tablet and therefore easier to use.

My job is to provide teachers with support to help students use digital tools in their education. It is important to design courses to embed digital skills in learning and teaching. Jisc suggest approaches to support developing digital skills and practice. 

Sunday evenings reflections

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