Nostalgic?  Well, we have reached the finish line in our ONL course.  What a truly amazing journey it has been!!!  I was very apprehensive in the beginning.  I was concerned that I would not stay committed, given my work schedule and there were days when I just could not make it.  However, in keeping with the principle that one should always finish whatever one starts, I am glad that I continued.

I learnt so much from my colleagues who made up our group. It truly amazed me how people from different backgrounds and from different parts of the globe could work together and deliver on schedule on each topic.  I salute the members of my group.

What did I take away from the course?  In addition to my final comments on the PBL7 group done using Padlet, which will be made available shortly to the ONL181 community as well, I would like to add the following general comments ….. commit, learn, contribute and participate.  This, to my way of thinking, should be the mantra of all online students and I shall, at every opportunity, share this with our online students in the new year.  In addition, there are so many tools out there that are freely available that facilitate engagement and learning.

Our last session yesterday was both enjoyable (we had a kahoot quiz) and somewhat sad knowing that we had now come to the end.  We have, however, pledged to re-connect and, hopefully, we shall have a monthly ZOOM session come the new year.

Chat again soon.

Until next time – commit, learn, contribute and participate.


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