The course finished last week and the assignment now is to summarize the learnings, and I re-read my notes a bit randomly from the past ten weeks. I have deliberately waited a few days before opening my blog page, as I’m still in a reflective stage. And that, I guess, is a pretty good sign … Fortsätt läsa Learnings….? That will take a while to sort out.
Constructive alignment – not just for the students
Some years ago I took the course in pedagogy that is needed to work as a university teacher in Sweden. My biggest learning outcome from it was without doubt the content and discussion that regarded different learning styles. It can be said at this stage the I very much see myself as a traditional teacher; … Fortsätt läsa Constructive alignment – not just for the students
The division of labour in a digital society
As a sociologist I just could not resist the opportunity to paraphrase Emile Durkheim’s (1984) classic work from the 19th century. Back then the analysis regarded how modern societies develop and thrive through a higher level of division of labour. In a peculiar, and slightly ancient, way the societies relied on a peer pressure, but … Fortsätt läsa The division of labour in a digital society
Is knowledge essential?
There are different ways of using the online tools when it comes to education, and one of this weeks questions concerns if a MOOC is the way to move forward. In this sense for me movining forward means letting the LMS go and work more openly. Is see MOOCs as a big opportunity, but at … Fortsätt läsa Is knowledge essential?
The quest for digital literacy
So, time for the next blog post…..and what shall I discuss? It is still a new concept to me to use a blog for capsulizing my learnings. One part of it is who are my readers and what might they be interested in? But this pretty much goes for all of us who are digital … Fortsätt läsa The quest for digital literacy
The learner – a renewed state of mind.
As a teacher it is pretty needy to every now and then make a swap of roles and become a learner instead. This has become very obvious since the ONL 181 commenced. And of most importance is that one gets some insights in to how it is to work with people you’ve never met, and … Fortsätt läsa The learner – a renewed state of mind.
Beginning my new life as a blog owner. To be continued…..
Första blogginlägget
Det här är ditt allra första inlägg. Klicka på Redigera-länken om du vill ändra eller ta bort det eller skriv ett nytt inlägg. Om du vill kan du använda det här inlägget till att berätta för dina läsare om varför du startade din blogg och vad du tänker göra med den. Om du behöver hjälp … Fortsätt läsa Första blogginlägget