FINAL BLOG ENTRY 2019-01-08 Happy new years everyone! Due to some sickness over the holidays am I now back on my feet’s and ready to take on this final blog entry for this fantastic course! Here goes. First of all, I was somewhat skeptic towards the course and all the new learning utiltiies that … Fortsätt läsa Final blog entry
Blog entry Topic 4
Topic 4 The topic that we have been working with the past two weeks was very interesting. I truly find it absolutely necessary for succeeding with a good course to be able to provide a nice design for it, especially so in a digital setting as the Online milieu. A further interesting element was to … Fortsätt läsa Blog entry Topic 4
Blog entry 2018-11-11
Hello everyone, The past weeks have been as exciting as the previous ones. This time have we worked extensively with collaborative learning, learning communities and as well with some tools that could be used in working collaboratively. Actually, previous to this course, have I not worked all that much collaboratively even though I have … Fortsätt läsa Blog entry 2018-11-11
Topic two – some thoughts
Hi all, It has been an interesting week with lots of new information that I was not previously acquainted with. To be honest have I never heard of any open courses before over the Internet even though I have participated in several different distance courses but that is not the same thing. I think there … Fortsätt läsa Topic two – some thoughts
Some thoughts on digital literacies
Hi all, We have now been working for some time together in the group. It feels a lot better now compared to when we started the course. The reason for this is that I now feel more acquainted with the different digital tools that we are using for the course and I now can … Fortsätt läsa Some thoughts on digital literacies
Some thoughts on the work during the second week
Hello everyone, I still find it quite difficult to manage all the different platforms and I think it is too much work effort going into just figuring out exactly what to do or what it expected from us. Last week was quite nice though where we got to get to know our team members in … Fortsätt läsa Some thoughts on the work during the second week
Dag 1
Idag startade jag min blogg.
First day at ONL
Hello everyone, Welcome to my Blog that I have created for the course ONL. I’m looking forward to getting to know you guys more during these up-coming weeks. It still feels somewhat overwhelming all the information and all the different sites but I hope I will manage it in the end! All the best, … Fortsätt läsa First day at ONL
Dag 1
idag startade jag min blogg.