Ursprünglich veröffentlicht auf sivjonss blogging:
The topic In this topic ‘Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning’, our PBL group were interested in the term ‘connectivism’. I particularly enjoyed reading the original article on this by George Siemens from 2005. There were so many aspects included in the founding of this –ism that…
Where am I in this digital world?
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht auf Learning to Learn with Technology:
The Topic 1 subject was about online participation and digital literacies. We had an amazing webinar with David White, and in our PBL group we discussed about advantages to use digital tools and how to became a digital resident. …
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Well done! You imported a post and all categories of the Open Networked Learning course homepage. You can edit or delete this post, then start blogging by creating a new post! You might also want to consider to connect your blog to the ONL course homepage. Once you have been allocated to a PBL group, … Weiterlesen Import successful! →
Topic 5: Lessons learnt – future practice
https://pixabay.com What did I learn? What is my lessons learnt? My answer to that is quite simple: „A lot, I have learned! However, this is not meaningful enough for a reflection, so there is a small description. But first I would like to say that it was a lot of fun. It was exhausting, no … Weiterlesen Topic 5: Lessons learnt – future practice →
Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning
Copyright Alexandra Wirth 2018 The Facilitator Again and again I think about whether we are talking about a facilitator, a moderator or a tutor. ONL 181 talks about a facilitator and a co-facilitator. I teach teachers in the PBL according to the 7-step method. I carried out the steps in Blog 3. We use the … Weiterlesen Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning →
Topic 3, Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
CC by Alexandra Wirth How and where does collaboration take place in the PBL ? Does it matter whether it takes place online or in class? I have been involved with problem-based learning PBL for more than 20 years. On the one hand as a didactic concept, on the other hand as a method. I … Weiterlesen Topic 3, Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning →
Topic 2, Open learning, sharing & openness
Coming Soon!
Topic 1 Online participation & digital literacies – on way to the top!
The first 4 weeks with Getting Started, Connecting and the editing of Topic 1 Digital literacie and online participation are over. For my first reflection in my blog, I came up with several theories which might have been used as a basis. The five-stage model by Gilly Salmon would have been interesting, the problem-based learning … Weiterlesen Topic 1 Online participation & digital literacies – on way to the top! →
My first Blog
My first step is done, I have created my first blog.