Suggested themes for reflection on module 5: 5.1 What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in this course? Why? -I’m still interested how agency and self-evaluation can be combined with shared responsibility and P2P-review. This is to me a good way for training skills in metacognition and using design… Read more »
Design for online and blended learning (#HP621A)
Suggested themes for reflection in your learning blog: 4.1 Reflect on your current practice and reason about possibilities for development of online and blended learning designs. -I have often taken the approach of Distributed Cognition (Hutchins) and Connectivist MOOC (Downes). This line of thought also investigate the concept of rhizomatic knowledge and community as curriculum… Read more »
Learning in communities – networked and collaborative (#HP621A)
Suggested themes for reflection in your learning blog: 3a) An occasion when real collaborative learning took place, that moved your own thinking forward I love the concept of MOOC, but the ONL brought in PBL-groups where the participants got agency and took shared responsibility. I started to study Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) [Koschmann]. “CSCL locates… Read more »
Open learning, sharing and openness (#HP621A)
Suggested themes for reflection in your learning blog: 2a) What openness means for your own practice 2b) How to find and use openly licensed resources I have used WikiEducator and Wikiskola for OER, but are also experimenting with H5P and DS106bank to create an ecology for sharing 2c) Advantages and disadvantages of open and closed… Read more »
Collaborative Inquiry and Collective Responsibilitiy (#ONL181)
We easily fall into the groupwork mode from school and divide tasks between us, but this don’t allow collaborative inquiry and collective responsibilitiy. How could a learning community help participants to become part of a learning community and collaborate with their peers? In my experience the connections between participants is in a star-network dependent on… Read more »
Co-facilitator as a Learning Improvement Engineer (#ONL181)
An explorer attempts to predict the relationship between two points (i.e. regression line). An observer tend to survey from two known points at either end of a fixed baseline (i.e. triangulation). An engineer focus on discerning patterns and regularities in data (i.e. pattern recognition). This involve actively forming our own thoughts through self-exploration and discuss… Read more »
Facilitation and responsibility (#ONL181)
What if digital technologies can support course design and extend opportunities for collaboration, engagement and learning? What if collaborative and open online learning can create an understanding of the value, possibilities and challenges of using digital tools to support teaching and learning? This year iteration of Open Networked Learning (#ONL181) is about to start! As… Read more »