Connected Learning in the Classroom

Connected Learning is socially embedded, interest-driven, and oriented toward educational, economic, or political opportunity. Connected learning is realized when a young person is able to pursue a personal interest or passion with the support of frien…

What next? Looking for a new grand adventure!

Although I’ve blogged for many years, I created this space at the beginning of my PhD journey, over 3 years ago. As I re-read my first post to this blog, I am amazed at how quickly the time has passed, and I honestly can’t quite believe tha…

Copyright, Creativity and Change

Markus Spiske Setting the scene A number of recent events have led to this post. The first was the publication of a terrific blog post by Elizabeth Hutchinson who wrote about Why copyright ‘For educational purposes’ is becoming a real probl…

From Twitter

My first tweet into the brave unknown of lifestreaming – want to know more? Read my blog post … #ecalifestream #experimental #learningbydoingfrom via IFTTT

Welcome to 2019!

I initiated this blog at the beginning of 2016, as I began my doctoral research journey. It feels like I have only blinked, and now I am writing the first post of 2019, having spent my allotted three years researching, reading and writing. I now find m…