Our ONL181 journey has come to an end… I started out thinking that I would write about me, my adhd and the challenges that are related to teaching and learning in a digital world when you have adhd. In a way I have but I have also managed to explore other matters related to online… Continue Reading →
Design for online and blended learning
Have I told you how much I am enjoying this course… and how much I hate it… 🙂 I have only been a teacher for approx. 6 years, before that I was doing clinical work and research. Teaching is not something that comes naturally to everyone. It is hard work and something you learn often… Continue Reading →
Learning in communities
Isn’t learning in communities something we do all the time… or do we? No man is an island someone once said and I guess this is true, we are constantly interacting with each other and in that interaction we learn from one another. Put people in a group with the sole intention of learning and… Continue Reading →
Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
I have come to the conclusion that these blogs written for the ONL 181 course are more of a personal reflection journey that will benefit me more than being a treasure trove of information that others might find interesting and learn from. I have been reading several blogs from the participants of the course that… Continue Reading →
Digital literacy and my ADHD brain
I’ve been thinking a lot these last few weeks about digital literacy… no surprise there… 🙂 As I mentioned earlier, I have ADHD. For those of you not aware of what ADHD stands for it is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. So what does this mean and how does it manifest… well it means nothing and everything…. Continue Reading →
The Journey Begins
Thanks for joining me! This is my story, this is my journey, and this is me…, a woman with ADHD trying to learn to slow down in order to reflect on what I will be learning during this ONL181 course… and hoping to improve my digital pedagogical skills and make new acquaintances at the same… Continue Reading →