ONL181 PBL 1 Topic 2 – Open Learning – Sharing And Openness Reflections Whilst completing a 65km cycle race I thought quite hard about this particular topic. I feel there some important things to consider. Most of these were included in my Google Plus …
ONL181 PBL 1 Topic 2 – Open Learning – Sharing And Openness
Hi all. In line with ONL181 Topic 2 Open Learning – Sharing And Openness, here is an.example of a paid ($100) for yet openly available virtual class that teaches children between 8-13 how to buy and set up a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspian a Debian Linux o…
Digital Participation – a unified identification system
Is there a case for a global identification system?How would this work?Could this system also be made to allow an individual to manage their digital footprint to choose what information is shared and with whom?If this happened, would this go against wh…
Tweet Chats
ONL181 PBL1 Padlet
Digital Citizenship And Online Participation- a Reflection of our ONL181 PBL1 Topic 1 Discussion
Today, while thinking about to talk about for our ONL181 PBL1 Topic 1 discussion, an article in The Guardian today indicated Google may close down Google+.This will clearly impact our ONL181 and also for my ONL181 PBL1 Group.Topic 1…
Westville Country Club And Varsity College Westville
Completing the Assignment Task 1 and POE Video – Survival!!!!
Digital Citizenship Course Overview as an embedded YouTube video: Or as a Presentation: AndTips to complete the 2018 IIE/Varsity College Digital Citizenship Assignment Task 1 and POE Assessments as an embedded YouTube video:Or as a Presentation: