Final Reflections

This week we have been summarizing our learning in the course and I think we are all a bit emotional about the course “ending” but one of the concepts remains at the forefront – personal learning network. I now have a new group of colleagues from diff…

Topic 3 – Learning Communities

This week I was one of the co-facilitators for the topic of learning communities. I had an idea in mind of how the week would go (or some big questions I was focused on related to communities of practice). After the webinar and the focus on personal…

Topic 1 – Digital Literacy

This week our group has decided to explore the following question: How do we overcome the uncertainty of the digital world and encourage participation? . This question came out of our discussions from fear of participating (lack of technological skill…

Our first online gathering

Today was the first webinar to get connected with the larger group if participants. I have participated in webinars most frequently as a silent participant meaning I never had to speak. More recently I tried to use Adobe Connect to host a webinar and…