Last words

The ONL-course is now finished. It has been an interesting journey characterised by a constant lack of time coupled with continuous stimulation from creative people, innovative techniques and imaginative ideas. My digital literacy has undoubtedly becom…

Diversity in teams

Just saw an interesting talk regarding diversity in teams the study shows e.g. that with at least 20% women in a team innovation increases. Yet, only 30% of German top companies have at least one wo…


Yesterday I joined a meeting in the Netherlands in which the mentimeter was used in a creative way. They had open questions to which we all wrote answers of varying length. Then some of the answers were discussed and elaborated on. The discussions were…

Personal or not

The issue of how personal to be on the web is a bit intriguing. Should we mix our personal lives into the professional writings? My own research into social media marketing shows that being personal generally leads to higher success. For me, however, …


I participated in the tweetchat yesterday. It was an interesting and quite fun experience. Could perhaps be used for creative discussions in a course. But many students probably don’t have twitter. And can we require that they get it? It’s after a…