Sharing the right way

For online teaching and collaborative work, these are great times. Many of our colleagues and institutions are sharing their work, and helping each other in this stressful situation. Sharing is caring and the essence of what teaching is. Unfortunately, many colleagues and organizations are not aware of or forget to share their material in a […]

The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers- a critical stakeholder for the proliferation of OEPs in Sweden

In the following text I will argue how the Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers (the teachers’ union in the contex of higher education in Sweden) is a critical stakeholder for the proliferation of OEPs in Sweden. By doing so, I will explain the primary context in which I am interested in Creative Commons, […]

Reusing Creative Commons licensed work – two important differences

An important aspect in combining and adapting CC-licensed works is knowing the difference between collections and adaptations also called remixes, or derivatives. In this post, I will try to explain these two important differences. Collections A collection “involves the assembly of separate and independent creative works into a collective whole” (Creative Commons, 2019). Very common […]

Anatomy of a Creative Commons license

As a next post in this series, I will explain the anatomy of a Creative Commons (CC) license, which build on copyright law. The licenses are used amongst others for Open Access publishing, which yields a lot of academic, economic, as well as social advantages. They include three layers, a legal code, a human readable layer, and […]

A short introduction to Copyright

Currently, I am taking the Creative Commons Certificate course. In the initial module, which introduced creative commons is and its history and in which I made this timeline, the second module is about copyright. This is not so strange, as the creative commons licenses build on copyright law. Although there are many differences between countries regarding […]