Eldred vs Ashcroft

Lawrence Lessig, a Stanford Professor who believed the CTEA was unconstitutional, represented Eric Eldred, a web publisher, who made a career of making works available as they passed into the public domain. In the case later known as Eldred v. Ashcroft, they challenged the constitutionality of the Act together. It went all the way to […]

The CC global network

Most of the people and institutions who are part of the CC movement are not formally connected to Creative Commons. One player in the larger open movement is the CC Global Network. It is the home for a community of advocates, activists, scholars, artists, and users working to strengthen the Commons worldwide. “Our movement around the […]

CC licensed works

By 2018, there have been over 1.4 billion works published on the Internet with CC licenses. The biggest collections on platforms such as Flickr, YouTube, Wikipedia, and DeviantArt. Since 2014, this number of CC licensed works has almost doubled.