Another late blog-post from my side. And I have to sort my thoughts about collaborative learning in this one. First of all, sounding like an actor after receiving the Oscar statuette, I would like to thank my PBL group and the facilitators for a true collaborative learning experience online. Yes, ONL181 has been, at least … Continue reading Collaborative learning on-line
ONL181 – Topic 5 – Mapping the educational landscape of the digital age
It’s a magical world, Hobbes…let’s go exploring. (Bill Watterson) Summarising the last weeks is difficult and easy at the same time. First of all it is easy, because it was a fun, engaging and productive curriculum. The course sparked the interest to do more in this regards of open networked learning. But this is where the …
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ONL181, an online learning journey
Some reflections about the ONL181 journey.
Learner activity online
How can you create learner activity online? Can online learning be interactive and collaborative?
It was the best of times… Sharing and Openness
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it … Continue reading It was the best of times… Sharing and Openness
Collaboration on the clock
Is it really possible to collaborate online in a limited time frame? Are deadlines killing collaboration? Do you need to be process-oriented to achieve real collaboration?
Reflections on Topic 4 – Universal design
Let’s create something beautiful in education and not just the illusion of inclusion and engagement. Taking part in an online course still feels somewhat special to me. I never viewed online learning as a means for almost every circumstance, but only for some selected topics. Now I come to the conclusion, that a proper desinged …
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Reflections on Topic 3 – social media and critical care
Topic 3 of 5 of the ongoing and inspiring Open Networked Learning Course. …revolving around learning communities and networks. This topic hit close to home. My “past” as a student and lifelong learner in anesthesia and critical care was centered around the use of twitter, reading blogs and listening to various podcasts. What I was …
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Collaborative Inquiry and Collective Responsibilitiy (#ONL181)
We easily fall into the groupwork mode from school and divide tasks between us, but this don’t allow collaborative inquiry and collective responsibilitiy. How could a learning community help participants to become part of a learning community and collaborate with their peers? In my experience the connections between participants is in a star-network dependent on… Read more »
Openness in academia
What does being open mean in higher education? Can we take the same scholarly approach to teaching and research?
Reflections on Topic 2 – Opening Pandoras Box
Can education be too open? Our PBL-Group decided to focus on the aspects of beeing open as a teacher in the digital age. The challenge of the topic for me was to decide upon a precise focus point. The term “open” is used in many different ways on the educational context i.e. “open source”, “open …
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Collaborative Learning in a Digital Age (#ONL181)
During Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness I looked at some chapters in Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Teaching and Learning by Tony Bates (2014). He emphasizes decision-making in our volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. “Although governments, institutions and learners themselves can do a great deal to ensure success… Read more »
Open Education in 2018 – Shifting Sands
This post provides a brief summary of my reflections and insights after an asynchronous discussion with the ONL181 cohort about the concepts of open education and sharing openly online. As some of you may know, I have been involved with ONL for several…
Reflections on Topic 1- The Law of Jante
Reflections on Topic 1 of ONL181 The first topic of the ONL181 course is over. The central theme of topic one was the exploration of digital literacies and skills to navigate in the digital world as an educator. Besides the the provided topic, it was also the first “real” task our PBL-group had to accomplish. …
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My reflection on Topic 1 – the journey begins or continues?
Once upon a time, in “computer time” a million years ago, I worked quite fluently with computers. I was trained inhouse in a large, American computer company to deal with any problems occurring with hardware, software or other stuff – but that was a long time ago – almost prehistoric time I still navigate quite … Continue reading My reflection on Topic 1 – the journey begins or continues?