Lifelong learning brown bag webinar @VW

Today, I gave a short webinar for electrical engineers of Volkswagen AG in Germany on the topic of lifelong learning with the help of personal learning networks (PLNs). Here are my slides and below the links to the online resources. Lifelong learning – Wikipedia Personal learning network – Wikipedia The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching […]

OEglobal23 presentations

In October, I had the opportunity to participate in the Oeglobal23 conference in Edmonton, Canada. More on this shortly, but here my presentations in the meantime. Have Open Educational Resources finally arrived in Swedish Higher Education? Have Open Educational Resources finally arrived in Swedish Higher Education? from Jörg Pareigis ONL – A global cross institutional […]

Reflections on the #OER20 presentation of @OpenNetLearn

On Thursday, my dear colleague Lars Uhlin and I presented our open online course Open Networked Learning during #OER20. You can find the recording here. The session started with a presentation by Bonnie Stewart, Dave Cormier as well as their colleagues and students in their Open Page project. The Open Page is a fantastic resource […]

Presenting and Participating in #OER20

Today and tomorrow, #OER20 is taking place as a virtual conference. Next to participating, I have the privilege and honour to present in two sessions. For the first one, I am a sidekick to the great Tom Woodward. We will be presenting in our session on “Small Tech for Higher Ed“. In the second […]

Learning in communities

The abundance of information we are confronted with in the digital age, the diminishing half-life of knowledge and the new possibilities to connect, communicate and collaborate have an impact on what we need to know and how we learn. While … Continue reading

Digital, networked and open

In my function as learning technologist I support academic staff of the department of Social Work using education technology. Although many of our teachers are inquisitive and open to new innovative teaching methods, social work practitioners are rather sceptical towards … Continue reading

Open Education in 2018 – Shifting Sands

This post provides a brief summary of my reflections and insights after an asynchronous discussion with the ONL181 cohort about the concepts of open education and sharing openly online. As some of you may know, I have been involved with ONL for several…

Sharing and openness

What does the term ‘open scholar’ actually mean? It seems that the traditionally scholar has undergone a transformation with the rise of digital and networked technologies. These technologies have brought about opportunities for researching, collecting, categorizing and managing information as … Continue reading


After checking out the course infrastructure and setting up my blog last week, Open Networked Learning took off for real this week. I attended a ZOOM meeting where the ONL facilitators presented themselves, gave a overview on the course and … Continue reading