To support the webinar I recently presented with Eduwebinar, I have curated a small collection of resources for educators wishing to learn more about Connected Learning. This collection focuses on the Connected Learning Framework presented by Mimi Ito …
PLNs and flipping the system: Advancing teacher voice
This post was inspired by and is a reflective response to some of the issues raised by Dr Deborah Netolicky in her recent blog post: Teacher voice to flip the education system: ACEL 2018 panel presentation. Thank you Dr Netolicky for raising these very…
Blogging the PhD journey
They say that time flies when you are having fun, and obviously I have been having way too much fun completing this PhD, because next week I present my final seminar. It is almost over. Writing my thesis has been a fairly singular activity, and this bl…
Open Networked Learning: Challenges and Opportunities
The next iteration of the online course Open Networked Learning is beginning next week. As a past participant, co-facilitator and presenter, I have been involved in different ways with this wonderful open learning opportunity for academics teaching in …
The online Book Club – A connected learning experience?
The online book club is a fairly new concept to me, and one that I have been exploring through a variety of channels. My first exposure to an online book club was early this year, when I came across the book club that is run by Bryan Alexander. Bryan i…
Visualise your Thesis – Stretching my Brain in a Different Direction
Earlier this year, my stepdaughter underwent open heart surgery. The procedure went smoothly (thank goodness!) and she recovered well, however during this time, I was a little scattered, and found it difficult to fit in concentrated blocks of time writ…
Designing a connected future – A keynote for the UQ Cyberschool Seminar
On Friday 20 July I had the pleasure of presenting the keynote for the UQ Cyberschool Seminar, which is an annual professional learning event for educators, with a particular focus for teacher librarians. I have included my presentation below, and also…
Exploring the pedagogical potential of PLNs – Keynote presentation for LTU
This post is a summary of the presentation which I gave as the keynote for the Lulea University of Technology Higher Education Conference. The pedagogical potential of PLNs from Kay Oddone Below is a summary of my presentation, including the feedback r…
Personal Learning Networks and Pedagogy – what’s the connection?
A few weeks ago now, I was honoured to visit the University Pedagogy Centre at Lulea University of Technology, in Northern Sweden. During the week I spent working with Oskar Gedda, Malin Larsson Lindback and their team, we discussed the role of PLNs i…