Tweets, Threads and a domain of one’s own

As someone who has spent a lot of time reading, researching and reflecting about social media, I felt it was incumbent upon me to join the conversation about the current state of social media even though, like so many, I feel that it is quite frankly a…

Finding your tribe: Think-alikes or think-abouts?

As Brisbane enters its second day of a three day lock down, I have been thinking about how much more we have come to rely upon our online tribe since this time last year. Although here in Queensland we have been fortunate to (so far, touch wood) avoid …

Copyright, Creativity and Change

Markus Spiske Setting the scene A number of recent events have led to this post. The first was the publication of a terrific blog post by Elizabeth Hutchinson who wrote about Why copyright ‘For educational purposes’ is becoming a real probl…

Connected Learning: Resources for educators

To support the webinar I recently presented with Eduwebinar, I have curated a small collection of resources for educators wishing to learn more about Connected Learning. This collection focuses on the Connected Learning Framework presented by Mimi Ito …