It’s not magic, it’s business

Watching AI generate text for the first time can seem like magic. However, when it comes down to it, it’s not magic, it’s business – and a hugely profitable one at that. Since the weekend, there have been numerous articles published r…

Responding to our changing information ecosystem

I tackled this huge topic in a one hour webinar that I presented on behalf of the ALIA Schools group, and can forrsee a number of blog posts on these topics happening in the coming months. For those who were able to attend the webinar (and for those wh…

Leadership in practice

Thank you for joining me for the third and final installment of the Teacher Librarian as Leader blog post series. If you have missed the first two posts, consider jumping back to the start to read all three in order. The first post discusses the role o…

Supporting students through the Research Process

Returning to a K-12 school environment after several years’ teaching at a Masters’ level at University has given me interesting insights into the way younger students engage with the research process. At different stages through their Prima…

One for the books: Schools need libraries too!

If you travel in library circles, an article published across various Fairfax publications on the weekend has been doing the rounds in your social media this week. The ‘cleverly’ titled: One for the books: The unlikely renaissance of librar…